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A cancer survivor’s story of discovering strength, life and love through fatherhood


About the book



Gut Checks Podcast

Why people 45 and older need to get their gut checked

Endorsed By:

Mike Eruzione
(Team Captain, Men’s 1980 USA Hockey Team)

Mike Reilly
(Voice of Ironman)

Amby Burfoot
(Managing Editor, Runner’s World)

Vic Brumfield
(CEO, USA Triathlon)

Anita Mitchell
(Founder, Colon Stars)

Colorectal Cancer Alliance


Fight CRC!

Colon Cancer Coalition

Man up to Cancer

Suzanne Stone
(CEO, Livestrong)

Kim Adair 
(CEO, Get Your Butt Checked)

George Mahood
(Author, Operation Ironman)

Howard Brown
(Author, Shining Brightly)

Lisa DePaulo
(LPGA Pro)

Paul’s story reminds us that cancer affects the entire family, in every way, not just the person physically battling the disease. Iron Dad is a powerful testament to resilience, courage, and the unbreakable bond between father and child. His ongoing determination and desire to live a great life despite the disease truly reflects what it means to Livestrong.

Suzanne StonePresident & CEO Livestrong

An incredible story of perseverance, courage, and love. Iron Dad celebrates the power of choosing hope, the unique bond between fathers and daughters, and the resilience to believe in the impossible. A powerful story!

Victoria BrumfieldUSA Triathlon CEO

There’s plenty of tips for runners training for any kind of race. But Paul Weigel trained for and completed an Ironman within six months of finishing chemotherapy for colorectal cancer, all while raising his toddler daughter. That kind of endurance transcends athletic advice. Iron Dad shares how he managed such a feat—and why it was worth doing—inspiring all of us along the way.

Amby Burfoot1968 Boston Marathon winner, former executive editor Runner's World Magazine

Weigel’s narrative of crossing an Ironman finish line a mere six months after chemotherapy stands as a testament to human resilience and determination. His transformative life journey was sparked by his love and bond for his daughter, which also fueled his drive to write his memoir—underscoring the profound influence of parenthood. Paul is filled with the spirit of perseverance, making him an Ironman in every sense!

Mike ReillyVoice of Ironman, USA Triathlon Hall of Fame and Ironman Hall of Fame

A powerful story of finding determination and joy in the face of fear and pain, Iron Dad reminds us that ‘miracles’ can happen and how families are a team that motivates us when we need it most.

Michael EruzioneUSA Gold Medal Winner, former ice hockey player and captain of the 1980 Winter Olympics United States national team ("Miracle on Ice")

Paul’s journey embodies the power of perseverance, serving as a beacon of inspiration for others facing adversity. In his struggles, we find the strength to endure and the courage to never give up.

Ryan Switzer8-time Ironman, Kick Ass Dad

When you hear the word “Ironman” you typically either think of the Superhero, or an endurance athlete… Paul is both. He is the epitome of the endurance “human-being.” He has experienced and persevered through all that life has offered him, and he has done it with a peacefulness and grace that only a Superhero could achieve.

Francis CurryMentor, Immerman Angels, part of Livestrong

Iron Dad is a must-read book to learn about life’s tough challenges and the lessons one can learn by leading a purposeful and resilient life. Sharing his battle with colorectal cancer with his daughter Natalie, Paul Weigel leaves his legacy and lasting imprint on us all.

Howard Brownauthor of Shining Brightly

An inspiring testament to the human spirit. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking motivation and proof that anything is possible.

George Mahoodauthor of Operation Ironman

Paul’s inspirational love story to his daughter is an important reminder how important it is to get our butt checked and get screened! Ongoing education, awareness, and funding of colorectal cancer research is even more critical now than ever.

Kim AdairCEO, Butt Check

Paul’s ablility to share his story with raw honesty is moving and highlights challenges of life and early onset colorectal cancer. His dealing of the mental and physical while still managing life as father, husband,provider and triathlete is moving. His love for his daughter propels him along with his willingness to share his story to promote screening, foster better communication with health care professionals their patients and to keep living life. A great read highly recomend.

Anita Mitchell IslerFounder Colonstars

Iron Dad is a wonderful read as Paul takes you through an incredible honest journey through his emotional and physical roller coaster of handling his disease and making sure he handled his life better than what he was handed. Not many could persevere through so much and end up being such an inspiration! Paul’s determination to not let cancer rob him of his life or his relationship with his daughter is amazing!

Lisa DePauloFormer LPGA Pro

In IronDad, Paul shares his thoughts and emotions related to his cancer experience — frustration, sadness, anger, resentment, shame, joy, love, gratitude, wonder, and confusion. His story, like so many other members of the Man Up to Cancer community, helps inspire men to connect and avoid isolation during their cancer journeys.

Trevor MaxwellFounder and CEO, Man Up to Cancer